Chapter 15: energy audit for issuing certification of building energy performances

A proposal for the Rulebook on the method of conducting an energy inspection for the purpose of certification of the energy characteristics of buildings was prepared with the support of the PLAC III project within the framework of Negotiating Chapter 15 (Energy).

The Union acquis that regulates the area includes the amended Energy Performance of BuildingsDirective 2010/31/EU (EBPD - recast). That directive was amended by Directive 2018/844 and Regulation 2018/1999 on the management of the Energy Union and climate action.

As steps for the transposition of the amended EPBD Directive, the National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis envisages amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction as well as the adoption of amendments to the Rulebook on Energy Efficiency of Buildings and the Rulebook on the Conditions, Content and Manner of Issuing Certificates on the Energy Properties of Buildings by the end of the third quarter of 2024.

With the support of the project, a proposal of amendments to two by-laws has already been drafted in 2023. At that time, adoption of a specific bylaw governing the procedure for carrying out an energy audit for the purposes of certification of the energy performance of buildings has been recognised as an appropriate measure for full and effective implementation of EPBD requirements.At a workshop held on 30 January 2024, project expert Tamara Bajc presented the annexes to the rulebook that define all phases of conducting an energy audit for the purpose of certifying the energy properties of buildings. The annexes include the methodology of conducting energy audits in order to certify the energy properties of buildings, the preparation of questionnaires and questionnaire forms before performing the energy audit, energy saving measures in the process of the energy audit of the building, as well as the preparation of the report on the energy audit of the building.

The workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, as well as the Ministry of Mining and Energy.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09